
Mari & Mark Shooting Experience.

Nancy HendersonNancy Henderson

Suspendisse porttitor dui non posuere maximus. Aliquam sit amet lobortis leo, et pulvinar augue. Curabitur varius bibendum arcu sit amet fringilla. Aliquam viverra non ex sed ultrices.Duis finibus lacinia nunc at mattis. Praesent in tellus ut velit pulvinar malesuada ac laoreet justo. Pellentesque molestie nisi sit amet dolor malesuada venenatis. Duis consectetur, eros faucibus sollicitudin laoreet, lacus nunc tristique felis, id sodales sapien nisl ut nisi. Proin sed cursus tortor, sed tempor diam. Integer ac mollis quam, eu ornare lectus. Fusce vitae velit tellus. Fusce sodales massa sit amet tellus venenatis, vel hendrerit turpis molestie. Nunc aliquet tincidunt sagittis. Cras ultricies mi nec enim maximus varius. Maecenas a feugiat dui, sed molestie risus. Curabitur quis quam urna.

Vivamus aliquet massa quis nisl laoreet rutrum eu non sem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas vel placerat justo. Praesent molestie sit amet sem eu ultrices. Nam aliquet odio sed augue consectetur auctor a vel eros.

Erica Brooks, photographer

Duis ultrices fringilla erat at pulvinar. Sed bibendum, diam ut vulputate elementum, elit elit posuere eros, vitae finibus eros neque et augue. Aenean porta, nunc eget convallis consequat, sem metus ultrices nisl, eget vulputate arcu elit et leo. Donec suscipit mauris vel risus tempus, vel condimentum tortor maximus. Sed aliquet aliquet nibh et sodales. Sed ante elit, ultricies eu felis sed, mollis aliquam libero. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque blandit lorem sit amet enim ultricies tempus. Nullam malesuada libero et lectus imperdiet tempus. Duis et justo posuere, dignissim turpis et, facilisis turpis. Donec velit metus, blandit vel nibh a, blandit varius risus.

Pellentesque tempus diam erat, in finibus justo maximus id. Vestibulum velit ipsum, consectetur a porttitor eget, congue at odio. Vivamus a ante vel est euismod laoreet a at nulla. Proin sagittis dapibus leo. Cras felis lectus, accumsan id risus non, tempus tincidunt felis. Praesent ut dolor purus. Nullam sed magna fringilla, facilisis sapien quis, posuere ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla mattis nibh id eros pellentesque, sit amet mollis risus varius. Mauris molestie id ipsum vel fermentum. Quisque sodales ut odio et aliquam. Cras bibendum dolor quis lacus ultricies, quis auctor nulla aliquam. Curabitur ullamcorper dignissim suscipit. Quisque rutrum nulla non enim convallis fermentum. Donec ornare convallis purus, eu mollis nibh pretium nec.


Estel Parkins

Having got married just three months ago… hottest tip from the ‘other side of the camera’ is: don’t just be the photographer – be prepared to be an extra friend who is available to calm nerves and offer reassurance that the bride looks beautiful and that everything will be fine. I communicated a lot with my photographer by email and it felt like a friend came to shoot my wedding – which made me more relaxed in front of the camera. Rob “the ‘tog” was wonderful, the photos are wonderful – exceeded my expectations (which were sky high) it all worked out wonderfully

Chris Miller

I’ve got a question.. I see many shots of the bride and groom where the bride is holding something, weather it be a bouquet of flowers or her husband’s hand. If I’m trying to get a shallow DOF to blur the background but at the same time keep both their faces and the bouquet in focus, how do I approach that? I’ve got a 85mm 1.8 Nikon by the way. Would I close the aperture a bit and focus on the flowers, or do I focus on the faces no matter what?

Phoebe Cooper

Good point. I’m just thinking of diving into shooting wedding and didn’t really know where to start from this perspective.

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